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Team Obsolete Components is the industry’s leading Obsolete Component Distributor, supplying military, electronic and obsolete parts and components to various public and private sector companies. The operations of the UK’s pioneer obsolete part supplier are confined not only to the UK but extend to global markets as well. Obsolete Components is a name to be reckoned with in the global arena. We are recognised for our extensive experience, superior quality products, ISO certified components, reliability of service, latest and knowledgeable tech support and competitive pricing.

An Efficient Team

Our motto is to Consistently Help Businesses Outperform Competition. To help your business achieve this end, we provide you with the best quality, unmatched pricing and consummate customer service. Our Efficient Team helps us realise our aim and thus helps your business grow and flourish. Our competent squad of dedicated sales executives, customer service associates, technicians and account managers all work with the single-minded determination to provide you with the best products and services. Our experienced staff has several years of experience as an Obsolete Component Distributor Team and is fully adept at handling all your requests and queries.

  • We believe in delivering an unparalleled level of superior quality service.
  • We believe that the customer is the King. Fulfilling your requests completely is our earnest endeavour.
  • We draw inspiration from high standards of quality service and aim to impress our customers by delivering them the best service on time, every time.
  • We act with the utmost integrity.
  • We understand your requirements and offer you “individually tailored service” to cater to specific business requirements.

If you are not satisfied with our product or service, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Your feedback is a valuable source to help us improve our services and ensure that similar instances do not recur.

Competent Staff

Our staff is thoroughly proficient at handling all requests and resolving your queries. Our people are committed to satisfying all your business needs, with the highest standards of:

  • Quality Service
  • Fast Quotations
  • Competitive & Aggressive Pricing
  • Prompt Deliveries

For Complete Business Solutions, Tel: +44 (0)1279 86 87 86

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